Friday, October 21, 2005

recap on life...

so i work. who would have thought that i, the one who passionately loves working with kids, would end up behind a desk all day in a law firm? surely not me. but i LOVE it! it is so cool to meet so many people with just as crazy as a background as i have, and we all come together and try to figure this mad legal world out. i've discovered that as long as i can fake it while someone important is talking to me, it buys me enough time to go research what in the world someone is asking me to do. so it's fun. it's challenging. somedays i am a little overwhelmed, others i'm completely caught up on my work and am bored crazy. thank goodness for blogs to read. so here's a little shot of my office. you can't tell much-but it consists of lots of really important legal documents-hope i dont get them in the wrong spots-and cool medical stuff since we deal with all medical cases. oh-and i actually have two jobs currently...but that's about to end-i've been doubling up and working a few nights a week at Ann Taylor LOFT. sure was fun to have that great discount while it lasted.

on top of the two jobs, i was commissioned to paint some artwork for a children's room. here's one of the 4 that i did. you know-in my spare time-it was GREAT extra cash and a fun little gig. but of course the lady wanted it when i was the busiest i have been in a long time. this picture doesnt do it justice. it's really cool and textured and has ripped up magazines stuck in parts and painted over. you'd have to see it.

and somehow in all of our busy days, we had our first anniversary and my birthday! how could i neglect to share those great days? i was kidnapped. jared blindfolded me and took me to this amazing castle place and we spent the weekend playing in the pool, relaxing in the sauna, and reading in the spa. twas amazing. just had to put this picture up. and then for my bday, mom and mimi came up for a fabulous lunch at the cheesecake factory, and then me and jared went to the one and only outback for dinner. it was definitely a good food day. and this weekend we get to celebrate dad's bday too! good days keep on coming.

and then there's the faithfulness of the Lord to talk about. it all comes back to that. Afer days and weeks of doubting if i would ever find a job, find a church, make any friends in bham...we have been blessed. i had like 5 or 6 job offers in the past three weeks...crazy. and we have visited several churches, still seeking one out, and i'm making friends! at work, both works, and through some of the girls in seminary with jared. but, dont worry, i have not neglected my one true bham friend...KTB. i'm actually writing this from her apartment right now. i bring my lunch here from the law firm-its on the same block, i have a key, eat by myself, watch TV and love the amazing place of rest this apartment offers me. what a blessing. the Lord has been faithful through our financial situation of jared in school and me unemployed for so long. He keeps suprising us with odd methods of meeting our needs, you know-like a random lady paying me $150 for a painting i did one night. amazing! when i reflect at His faithfulness it stirs an excitement.

tribute to my bham girl...

and one for the man in my life...