Friday, September 16, 2005

love is in the air!!!

well, the weirdest combination of emotions ran through me last night as han told me the details of her engagement. i just couldnt help but cry i was so excited, but then there was this odd feeling in my gut, like its just not right that i cant leap through the phone and give her the biggest girly hug and squeal of my life. those technological geniouses should really work on phones and teleporting. (that was for you ryan). but i really am just thrilled about all this. its fun when two of your best friends decide to spend the rest of their lives together. and what an adventure marriage is. humbling, exciting, faith-building, and just plain fun! so here's to you future Lombardi's! i love ya!

before the newsbreaking phone call, i was enjoying the company of a camp friend. justin rosalino was playing at a coffee house at samford, so we went to the show and took him to dinner afterwards. tons of fun. its odd how after spending three months with him this summer i felt like i got to know him so much more last night after listening to the songs HE wrote instead of the ones camp made him play. music showed me how expressive it can be. i really got a glimpse of his deeper dreams through it all. i love writing and journaling, but something in me has an itch to write songs and sing silly lines that only make sense to me. i figure if he can make himself so known and vulnerable through that, maybe music is the next step to being vulnerable in my life. just a challenge. not that you will ever hear any of my simple creations, but there are lyrics stirring. and i just wonder, how often do i tell myself not to sing just because i've never heard the song before? hmm...

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

the cosby show

so i'm at my "other" home, ktb's apt. just using the internet, applying for random jobs online, and enjoying cable. conveniently the worlds best family sitcom is on. good ole bill. as i watch rudy learn to earn money, vanessa learn to get along with her siblings, and theo learn about girls, i notice there is a lot of learning going on. mr. and mrs. huckstable sure do a lot of teaching in the few down moments of their home life. it makes me wonder, am i paying attention to all the teaching going on around me? i would like to think yes, but i'm sure it's one of those infinite possibilities. we could always be learning more right? so my challenge for myself today is to open my eyes just a little bit wider. maybe i will be suprised at all that my little brain can take in through one day. here's to hoping

i went bowling last night, and we all know how competitive my husband is in any arena. i was so proud to be escorted out with the winner! beeson had a "get to know you" for new students, their wives, girlfreinds, whoever. it was tons of fun and i really enjoyed getting to know all these new people that jared always talks about. since the prize for the highest score was a cracker barrel gift certificate, the night ended with free dessert there with two new friends. i hope there's lots more of these encounters...

speaking of encounter. i heard a cool thing. ktb told me how some random guy from argo, alabama (she met him last night with a group of friends) was talking about how his pastor read something off the internet to the whole congregation about a group of 1000+ college students meeting weekly in auburn, who gave shoes and lots of money to hurricane relief, and then the whole congregation stood and applauded. when ktb mentioned she was a part of that small group they thought she was a movie star (ok, not really, but it was cool.) just enjoying the ripples of grace campus.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

what you've all been waiting for...

tada! i hope you Frazerites get a kick out of seeing trevor and murray with little max. he was too cute. and since han was the most involved in the guessing game, you get a prize. not sure what that is yet-i'll get back to you.

so i am babysitting today, as the first day of my every day commitment. its true, i have something to do every single day now. praise the lord. the job hunt continues though. i cant just babysit forever. but it is a little pocket change for now. i am trying to patch together a few part time jobs now to see how they add up. i'll let you all know how it goes. not too much else happening here. but for those of you who experienced the best cookies in the world back in AU, there are dozens of my famous white chocolate chip oatmeal cookies on the table right now. yumm. wish you were here to share a glass of milk and cookies. doesnt that sound simply wonderful? we all need to connect again soon. until then...

Friday, September 02, 2005

Gas and Highschool Football...

So i couldn't help but laugh as i saw this exact image on my way to exit 222 (ft. payne). these are the crazy people that the media pushed over the edge. driving in a huge SUV with extra gas tanks (just in case the whole southeast runs dry) strapped to the bumper. the best part is, i heard a prediction of drunk drivers out on labor day weekend and all the wrecks that will happen. they said the goofs with gas strapped to the outside of their car might blow up if they get hit! so dont get too close friends.

The other bit of excitement today was the Wildcat Spirit Line!! I'm in the green pants cheering on my brother-in-law, Slade, as he ran out for the big game tonight. I shared this experince with Kathryn, Koki (his first football game ever), and Kris. FP led the game until the last minute. It was a disappointment. What a night.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Star Struck in Bham

Though lately we have been talking of boredom in birmingham, KTB and I had an eventful outing in the area this afternoon. After a quiet dinner with our coastal friend (that's us with D after dinner) last night, who would have thought we would see another exciting person today??? But we were very excited to see the parents of this little guy in a random aisle in Target! You'll have to take a few stabs at who it is and keep checking the updates for the revealing of the STAR!!!

oh yeah, i forgot to tell of last night's exciting game of egyptian-rat-slap!! i won twice!